V0.4! A (somewhat) final version

So... V0.4! We have been on quite the journey. I wouldn't consider this a final release, but it sure is close (or, as close as this is going to get to a final release).

This update just fixed some multiplayer issues. Like, a lot of them. Peoples internet isn't perfect, so I added some bug fixes to that (You can now kick people with bad internet, that's the whole bug fix! 🥳)

But here is a list of what was changed:

  • People can now join midgame without any issues
  • People can disconnect midgame with any issues
  • Teams are adjusted midgame if someone disconnects to make sure there are enough hiders and seekers
    • Hiding spots do not pop in and out of existence mid-game to adjust for the players, so if you lose like half your lobby or your players double mid-game, then yes, there will not be enough hiding spots or there will be too man
  • Added a Player Connections list so you can see who joined, and their lag! (Psst, press tab)
  • Host can now kick players
    • There is a setting to auto-kick players with more than 1000 ms of lag (aka, one whole second for a message from the host to reach that player and back, or maybe it's just one-way, idek)
  • Bug fixes when players join at weird points in the game.
  • And a loading screen for the game setup!

As for the future of Study-O? I'm pretty happy with the state it's at. I of course still have more ideas and would love to add them but I would also like to work on something else for a while. I wouldn't anticipate a whole lot of really cool updates, just some bug fixes or quality-of-life stuff here and there (if at all 😉).

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