V0.3 is out! Enjoy a greater time studing!

Yay! We finally got V0.3 out! This version comes with some new features, mostly visual. This includes:

  • Particles when Stunned and when buffed
  • Arrows pointing towards seekers so hiders better know how to avoid them
  • You can now see how many points you have (make sure to hide and answer questions to get points)
  • Questions showing first, then answers
    • (This means that you will start to associate the answers to the questions with the questions. If the questions instantly change, you don't end up reading the question, but just the answers. So with this feature, you are more likely to remember answers to questions)
  • Balancing adjustments to how fast the timer ticks down
    • When a question is displayed without any answers, the timer won't tick down
    • Timers start ticking down extremely slowly
    • Timers no longer passively become faster
    • Timers will tick down faster after every correct answer (but you get points!)
      • The timer will tick down even faster if you answer the question quickly
  • Credits so you know what I used and what assets are mine!

In the future I'll add some more variation to the hiding spots, and some more maps. The next update is likely be one of the last. If I do return to this project, I would like to add another game mode, but that would take quite a bit of time.


Study-O_Win_V0.3.zip 65 MB
95 days ago
Study-O_HTML_V0.3.zip 31 MB
95 days ago

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